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Apply For A Grant

Index of Programs and Funds

Alphabetical Index of The Dressage Foundation’s Grants and Programs

Listed below are brief descriptions of the grants, scholarships, and programs currently offered by The Dressage Foundation. Use the following codes to quickly determine which grants might be the best fit for you!


  • AA – Adult Amateur                              
  • INST - Instructor
  • BR – Breeder  
  • JUDG - Judge
  • CC – Century Club
  • PARA - Para-Dressage Riders
  • PC – Pony Club
  • EE – Educational Event
  • YR – Young Rider
  • HP – High Performance
  • TD - Technical Delegate
  • WD - Western Dressage
  • SM - Show Management

If you need guidance to determine grants that are suitable for you or your group, please contact The Dressage Foundation at (402) 434-8585 or

Amanda Johnson Freestyle Fund The goal of this Fund is to provide an annual grant of up to $2,000 to a young professional between the ages of 20 and 30 to pay for the costs of creating a professionally prepared musical freestyle for competition. Applicants must be current residents of USDF Region 2 or USDF Region 4.

Application deadline – October 15th

Anne Barlow Ramsay $25,000 Grant One annual Grant of $25,000 is awarded to showcase talented American-bred horses ridden by United States citizens, by providing funds to train and compete in Europe or Wellington, FL.

Application deadline - August 15th

Captain John H. "Jack" Fritz Young Professionals Grants Grants of up to $500 each are available to individual participants to attend the USDF Young Rider Graduate Program.

Application deadline – December 1st

Carol Lavell Advanced Dressage Prize Two $25,000 Prizes are available each year, to provide financial assistance for coaching and training to a talented, committed, qualified rider whose plan is to reach and excel at the elite, international standards of high performance dressage.

Application deadline – August 31st

Carol Lavell Gifted Memorial Fund Offers up to eleven $1,000 grants per year – one for each USDF Region plus two wild card grants. The grants enable adult amateurs to set aside quality time, in concentrated training, away from the daily pressures of job and family with a horse the recipient owns or formally leases.

Application deadline –September 15th

Carolyn Van Cise Memorial Sportsmanship Fund This fund provides one annual grant of $1,000 to Young Riders in Michigan for attending a specific dressage or eventing educational event.

Application deadline – February 10th

Century Club Recognizes dressage riders and horses whose combined ages total 100 years or more. Horse and rider perform a dressage test of any level, at a dressage show or event, and are scored by a dressage judge or a professional. The Foundation presents each team with a Century Club plaque and ribbon.

Applications should be sent at least a month prior to the Century Club ride.

Cynthia Aspden Youth Development Fund The goal of the Cynthia Aspden Youth and Young Rider Development Fund is to provide financial assistance to youth and young adult riders (age 25 and under) to aid in their development in dressage. Grants awarded will typically be $1,000.

Application deadline – September 1st

Dancing Horse Fund Grants are awarded to promote participation in, and improve the quality of, musical freestyle at all levels of dressage. Any non-profit equestrian group may apply for a grant from this fund, up to one time per calendar year. Funding may be used for an educational clinic/seminar or for sound system equipment.

Application deadline – at least 90 days prior to the event

Debbie McDonald Fund for FEI Riders Debbie McDonald, through her compassionate and effective training methods, has had a significant and positive impact on dressage training across the United States. To honor her role in the success of U.S. dressage as a trainer, competitor, and coach, the Debbie McDonald Fund for FEI Riders was established to recognize Debbie’s unique contributions to the sport of dressage while enhancing the skill and effectiveness of the dressage community.

Application deadline – June 15th

Dreitzler International Clinician Fund Provides financial support for equestrian organizations, dressage clubs, and owners of private facilities who are hosting educational events with clinicians from countries outside of the United States up to $2,000 per event

Application deadline – at least 90 days prior to the event.

Edgar Hotz Judges Fund Provides financial support to USDF Group Member Organizations for "Continuing Education for Judges and USDF 'L' Program Graduates." Up to $800 per USDF Region is available each year.
Application information is available from USDF,

Evie Tumlin Memorial Fund for Region 9 Adult Amateurs Grants will be used for educational experiences that will further the applicant’s knowledge of dressage and are in addition to the applicant’s typical training plan. These events may include camps, clinics, riding lessons, etc.

Application deadline – March 1st

George Williams Young Professional Fund Grants of $3,000 - $5,000 are available for instructors age 25-35 who have an established business, to obtain training and education as a rider and instructor.

Application deadline – June 1st

Jane Savoie Adult Amateur Fund Annual grants will be given to adult amateur riders of any age who are riding and training any breed of horse at 4th Level or Prix St. Georges.

Application deadline – April 10th

Karen Skvarla Fund for Emerging Professionals The purpose of this fund is to provide grants that enable emerging dressage professionals to pursue a variety of training or educational opportunities. Two annual grants of $1,500 are available at this time.

Application deadline – February 15th

Lloyd Landkamer Show Management Development Fund The purpose of this fund is to provide grants to individuals who wish to advance their show management levels. Once the Lloyd Landkamer Show Management Development Fund is seeded with initial donations, grants will be made available to individuals who are seeking assistance for their growth and development as dressage show managers.

Application deadline – March 1st

Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund for Groups The goal of this Fund is to provide funding for equestrian groups to host affordable, high-quality Western Dressage educational events (clinics, camps, symposia, etc.).

Application deadline – 90 days Prior to event date

Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund for Individuals Grants in the amount of $1,000 each are available for riders who need financial help to continue their Western Dressage education. Applicants can be professionals, amateurs, or youth. The grant review committee will look for applicants who are eager to grow and improve, have shown a passion for the sport, have financial need, and who have demonstrated a commitment to learning.

Application deadline – July 20th

Major Lindgren Instructor Grant Each year, three $4,000 grants will be available for dressage instructors to train for an extended period of time in the United States.

Application deadline – September 30th

Maryal and Charlie Barnett Continuing Education for Dressage Instructors Fund Provides grants of up to $1,500 for individuals in pursuit of USDF Instructor Certification.

Application deadlines – February 1st or July 1st

Max Gahwyler Instructor Education Fund Provides grants up to the amount of $1,000 from equestrian organizations, dressage clubs, owners of private facilities, etc. who are hosting educational events for dressage instructors.

Application deadline – at least 90 days prior to the event

Michael Poulin Dressage Fund for Innovative Events and Programs The purpose of The Michael Poulin Dressage Fund is to provide financial support to organizations to host unique, innovative, collaborative events or programs that work toward the advancement of dressage in the United States through any of its component disciplines including riding, competing, training, instructing, or judging.  EE

Military Grant Fund The Military Grant Fund was established in 2022 by Colonel David and Sue Bender of Beech Island, South Carolina. Through their generous gift, the Benders wish to recognize the contributions of military members and dependents to our country and sport. Grants in the amount of $1,000 each are available for amateur or youth riders, to include para-dressage riders, who need financial help to continue their dressage education.


Oregon Dressage Society Linda S. Acheson Fund The goal of the ODS Linda S. Acheson Fund is to provide grants to ODS, ODS Chapters, and ODS Committees that are organizing educational events which will benefit the Oregon dressage community and help further the mission of the Oregon Dressage Society.

Application deadline – November 15th

Para-Equestrian Dressage Fund Grants of up to $1,000 are available for para-dressage riders to attend educational events. US Equestrian's Developing or Emerging para-dressage athletes are welcome to apply, as well as para-dressage riders who are dedicated to the sport but have not yet been named as a Developing or Emerging athlete.

Application deadline – November 1st

Patsy Albers Award Fund The Patsy Albers Award will be presented to the highest placing dressage rider (Intermediare I or Grand Prix) at the United States Equestrian Federation High Performance Championships, who was also a rider competing for the United States at a North American Junior/Young Rider Championship. HP

Pure Spanish Horse/P.R.E Grant Fund The purpose of this Fund is to provide financial support to obtain further dressage training for riders who train and compete a Pure Spanish Horse/P.R.E. in the sport of dressage. An annual grant will be given to either a professional, adult amateur, or a Young Rider (over the age of 16) competing at Prix St. Georges or Young Rider equivalent or higher. The grant is to be used for educational purposes such as training, lessons, clinics, etc.


Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award This $5,000 award will recognize and honor excellence in the teaching of dressage, to a USDF Region 9 Instructor.

Nomination period – October 1st - June 1st. Application deadline – August 1st.

Sally Swift Memorial Fund Provides grants up to $1,000 to any non-profit equestrian group that is hosting a Centered Riding® Clinic.

Application deadline – at least 90 days prior to the event.

Shannon Foundation Fund for Judges’ Licensing Grants of at least $1,000 are available to provide financial support to dressage judges to participate in activities related to obtaining a judging license of “recorded” (‘small r’) or higher.

Application deadline – March 15th

Team Tate Mentorship and Leadership Fund The goal of this Fund is to provide one annual grant of up to $5,000 for a dressage professional, age 25 and over, to receive business, leadership or personal coaching education and/or to work with his/her dressage mentor to improve equestrian skills.

Application deadline – July 15

Trip Harting Fund Provides an annual $1,000 grant to a current or graduate rider with a Pony Club Certification of A, B, or C to attend an educational event of his/her choice. Preference will be given to riders with A or B Certification.

Application deadline – March 25th

US Breeder Excellence Fund This fund provides financial assistance to U.S. breeders to pursue educational opportunities related to breeding that will advance their careers, promote sound breeding practices, and further enhance the quality of U.S-bred dressage horses.

Application deadline – May 1st

USDF Junior/Young Rider Clinic Series The Dressage Foundation provides a grant of up to $10,000 each year to USDF to hold these clinics across the country. YR

USDF/USDF Young Rider Graduate Program The Dressage Foundation provides up to $15,000 directly to USDF for this educational seminar. YR

Verne Batchelder Instructor Fund The Verne Batchelder Instructor Fund will provide an annual grant of up to $2,500 to a professional instructor from USDF Regions 1, 3, or 8 for continuing education and training with a trainer with whom they have an established relationship.

Application deadline – September 10

Veronica Holt Dressage Technical Delegate Fund Provides financial assistance to a USEF Dressage Technical Delegate who has been approved by the USEF Licensed Official Committee to gain promotion from ‘r’ (Recorded) to ‘R’ (Registered). One $1,000 grant will be awarded each year, to be used by the recipient to pay for costs associated with completing apprenticeship requirements at competitions.

Application deadline – March 1, June 1 or Oct 1

Violet M. Hopkins Fund Provides financial assistance to USDF Group Member Organizations to conduct educational clinics and seminars for dressage riders at all levels. A GMO may apply for one grant of up to $2,000 per calendar year.

Application deadline – at least 90 days prior to the event

Young Rider International Dream Program This program takes four top young American dressage riders to Europe for a week-long introduction to European dressage. Applications can be accepted from USDF Young Riders, 16-21 years of age, and 22-year-old riders who participated in Young Riders last year, who are riding at Fourth Level or above.