The purpose of the ODS Linda S. Acheson Fund is to provide grants to ODS, ODS Chapters, and ODS Committees that are organizing educational events which will benefit the Oregon dressage community and help further the mission of the Oregon Dressage Society.
General Requirements:
- Applications will be accepted from ODS, Chapters, and members who are organizing an educational event for members of the Oregon dressage community. Preference is given to ODS Chapters.
- TDF will begin accepting applications on September 15th of each year and the grant period will close on November 15th. All applications must be received by the TDF office on or before November 15th to be considered. No late applications will be accepted.
- Grants should only be used to support the educational part of the program and should not be used to purchase food, goodie bags, vests/t-shirts, etc.
- Grants may not be used for the organizer to make a profit and will only be provided to the break-even point for selected events. Excess income should be returned to The Dressage Foundation, to be put back into the Fund.
Grant Amount:
- The amount of the grants can vary depending on the need and request of the applicants, but the amount to be awarded will typically range from $250 - $1,000.
- Organizers/groups can receive a grant only one time per calendar year. ODS, ODS Chapters, and ODS Committees are separate entities that may each apply for one grant from this Fund per year.
Additional Information:
- Types of events that are eligible for grants include: USDF Instructor Certification Programs, USDF ‘L’ Judging Programs, symposiums, seminars, camps, clinics. Preference is given to USDF-approved programs.
- Grants must be used for an event to be held in the year following the application deadline (i.e. an application submitted by November 15, 2019, must be for an event scheduled in 2020).
- If the grant recipient is unable to hold the program specified in the application, The Dressage Foundation must be notified as soon as possible. Approval for a change in the use of funds is at the discretion of The Dressage Foundation and the grant selection committee.
- An independent Selection Committee will review the applications and make selections based on published criteria and guidelines. The committee reserves the right to not award a grant in any given year if they determine that no application has met the criteria. The applications and discussions of the selection committee are confidential, and their decisions are final.
- For educational events that are selected to receive a grant, 75% of the grant will be sent one month prior to the event, with the final 25% sent after an evaluation form and final budget is received by TDF.
- Not all events that apply for funding are guaranteed to receive a grant.
About the Oregon Dressage Society Linda S. Acheson Fund:
The Oregon Dressage Society Education Fund was established at ODS in 1998 and was renamed in 2004 as a memorial to Linda S. Acheson, former ODS President, Treasurer, and “L program” graduate.
As a Certified Public Accountant, Linda was instrumental in modernizing the ODS office and the financial records. Additionally, Linda was an advocate of rider and instructor education. She organized the first ODS Certified Instructor Program, supported the ODS "L" Education Program, and judged many schooling shows.
During her tenure as ODS President, Linda established this Fund with the intent to create a specific educational Fund from which the earnings could be used to finance educational events and programs – in whole, or part – for the benefit of ODS members. In 2016, the ODS Board of Directors transferred the Fund to The Dressage Foundation for administration and management.