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2022 Rides

Madeline Young and Lionheart

Team #614 Madeline Young and Lionheart

Team #614: Madeline Young and Lionheart
From: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Ages: 81 & 19
Combined Age: 100
Test: First Level Test 1
Date: November 19, 2022

Ever since I was a small child my passion has been horses: I ate, slept, and breathed horses even though I couldn't have one or even ride.  That is until I was 22 years old when I bought my first horse, a Western Quarter Horse type, and learned to ride by the seat of my pants.  In 1983 when I was able to realize my dream of returning to horses, I began riding English and getting good habits!  Dressage was a tool for basic education for me and my horse.  Eventually, I found my niche in competitive and endurance riding where I competed successfully for a number of years.  Now I'm retired but still ride for pleasure only!

A note from Amy, Lionheart's owner: I would like to add that every horse person who knows Madeline thinks she is a total boss!  She comes out and rides multiple times a week, goes on trail rides by herself, and generally shows up everyone at the barn in her dedication to her horse.  Her horse is not old enough for the Century Club ride, so she happily hopped on my 17-hand Clydesdale/Thoroughbred retired eventer to try him out, even though he is kind of hugely intimidating in looks (not temperament though).  She looks fabulous on him!