Team #733 Jean Stuart and Majestic Color

Team #733: Jean Stuart and Majestic Color
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Ages: 72 & 29
Combined Age: 101
Test: Training Level Test 1
My infatuation with horses started early. One of my imaginary friends was a horse. After high school, I took English and jumping lessons.
After joining the Air Force, I was stationed in England. I was able to take riding and driving lessons with the world-renowned Four-in-Hand driver, John Parker. I had my own horse for a couple of years and even rode to the hounds with the Easton Harriers Hunt. I also purchased a sidesaddle.
After other assignments, I was back in England, living very close to a small stable that trained eventers. I was blessed to take lessons on their horses, so my riding progressed. I also married the love of my life, Joe.
While at Langley AFB, I transitioned to the Air Force Reserve and started college. The college had a riding program, which I tried for one semester. Hunter Equation and Jumping was not my cup of tea, but I met Charlotte Kasparek and took dressage lessons with her.
After my college graduation, Joe’s next assignment was to Maxwell AFB, Alabama, which was the start of a 20-year hiatus from horses for me. In 2008, we relocated to Huntsville where I found Steel Prize Stables and Judith Fiornetino. I took lessons with Judith and continued with Kathryn DeWitt, participating in a few schooling shows and clinics.
Majestic Color or “MJ” also has a bit of a story. After moving out of California and back, he was rescued in 2003 and spent a year in Georgia. He had been stalled for so long that he couldn’t even canter. Lynn Meyers continued MJ’s rescue, and he spent several months with a ground trainer and riding trainer. Lynn rode him mostly for pleasure.
It is thanks to Kelly Arnold (KLA Dressage) and Lynn that I have achieved this milestone in my riding.