Team #735 Richard Freeman and Virtuoso

Photo by Marie Cobb Photography
Team #735: Richard Freeman and Virtuoso
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Ages: 86 & 22
Combined Age: 108
Test: First Level Test 1
My first experiences as a young man with horses were all negative. Because of this, I did not pursue riding early in my life. When I was fifty years old, I reconnected with horses and began to take steps to learn to ride. The trainers I worked with were dressage riders. To rid myself of fear lingering from the early experience, I purchased a safe horse, and I began to feel more competent in the saddle.
I started breeding Danish Warmblood mares and crossed them with Arabian Stallions. One client, Sue Bender, became excited about this and is keeping the idea alive. In the breeding area, I received excellent guidance from Leif Sorensen in Denmark and members of the Danish Warmblood judges.
I was also becoming a more accomplished rider. Worth mentioning is Grenadier, my second mount as a Century Club member. I also rode his dam Gunella and his sire Rambo. With help from people who trusted the quality of Oak Hill Ranch horses, several awards were earned to place the Oak Hill breeding program among the top in the country for five years running.
My riding developed to the Prix St Georges level, and in 2009 I showed the stallion Rambo at that level. For this Century Club ride, completed just before my 86th birthday, I rode Virtu. This ride was my retirement ride, and I hung up my spurs. However, my journey of horsemanship and knowledge will not end here, and I am continuing my path watching Oak Hill bred horses showcase talent and trainability in the art of dressage.