Team #740 Nancy Kline and Macadamian Mist

Team #740: Nancy Kline and Macadamian Mist
From: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Ages: 75 & 26
Combined Age: 101
Test: First Level Test 3
I found Mac, a Friesian-Morgan cross on In August 2006, I traveled from my home in Vermont to western Pennsylvania in 100-degree heat and humidity to try him out. The ride wasn't too useful given the weather, but his kind eye, calm demeanor, and the fact that his training had been in dressage convinced me he would be a good horse for me.
Also, my long-time trainer, Susan Armstrong of N Pomfret, VT, liked his sale video and encouraged me to see him and buy him "before someone else did.”
My “dream horse” and I did have a minor setback at our first dressage show the following spring. After a long cold winter, Mac was so excited by the green grass that he took off, galloping and bucking until I came off in the warm-up arena, and he could cross the brook to greener pastures. I was required to go by ambulance to the hospital where I was devastated, sure that I had to sell him. He would never be my safe and obedient horse.
However, Susan, who believed in him, calmed me down and here we are, 18 years later doing our Century Club ride!
We did all of our showing and many wonderful trail rides in Vermont. We competed successfully through Second Level and we achieved my goal of an USDF bronze medal. We then moved to Lancaster, PA. We didn't show, but continued training under patient instructors Claudia Patrick, and most recently Alex Porter. Alex went all out to make our Century Club ride very special. She had flowers, champagne, and very special t-shirts that she designed. Friends from Mac's great barn, Our Happy Place Equestrian Center, came to support us. It was a memorable day for our last dressage test.
However, we are not retired. Dressage keeps Mac and me fit and happy. He has been what I hoped he would be when I met him in 2006. Healthy, well-mannered, friendly, calm, and very capable of good work if ridden correctly. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful horse. I enjoy every day with him. I hope for many more.