Team #743 Carol Hannaford and My Tyme

Team #743: Carol Hannaford and My Tyme
From: Aiken, South Carolina
Ages: 73 & 29
Combined Age: 102
Test: Training Level Test 1
It is indeed an honor and a privilege to partner once more with My Tyme and in a Century Club ride to boot! The Century Club ride was the furthest thought I ever had. We came together when he was three in Ste. Adèle, Québec at Evi Strasser's Good Tyme Stables. He had just arrived from Germany shortly before and was learning the ropes. Although very green, he suited me well and the partnership began.
Many people, too many to be named, were instrumental in his training. Fortunately, he was kind, generous and patient as we worked our way through the various levels. My Tyme opened many doors for me and perhaps the most important was the opportunity to board with Aileen Daly in Aiken, SC. Riding with her in the Hitchcock Woods cemented my love for Aiken.
As a snowbird, we traveled back to Canada every six months returning to Aiken each winter. Through Aileen, I met Darren Taplin who encouraged me to attempt showing Intermediate 2. My dream. It was badly ridden but oh so much fun. My worsening back problems finally caused me to stop riding My Tyme and he found his new and forever home in Windsor with Amy Blunt.
A huge thank you to her and her village for making this ride happen. From backyard horses at the age of 10 to completing a Century Club ride on the horse of a lifetime. This journey has been a privilege.