Team #746 Ellen Kelly and Skip to My Lou

Team #746: Ellen Kelly and Skip to My Lou
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Ages: 73 & 34
Combined Age: 107
Test: USEA Starter Test
My love of horses began while accompanying my father to the Thoroughbred racing tracks in Maryland. He was the Racing Editor of the Washington Star and wrote weekly columns and handicapped races. In 5th grade, I started taking weekly riding lessons at school from a trainer who transported horses to my school. I was in heaven.
In my 20s, I rode at various barns on school horses but usually became frustrated because I could only afford weekly lessons. When my daughter turned six, her birthday wish was to ride horses, and our mom and daughter horse adventure began. We met a wonderful trainer, bought a horse, joined Pony Club and I started competing at hunter shows and then began eventing. I served as DC for two Pony Clubs, taught some beginner lessons, and worked for many weeks at Pony Camp.
In 2021, I found a wonderful small barn near my home. I made a new best friend, my trainer. We had many adventures together. She moved back to her home area nine years later. I took another break from riding but missed it too much to stay away. I found a terrific barn and have been there for 12 years. The 80-mile round-trip commute to Windswept Stables is worth it. That is where I met Skip to My Lou, my Century Club ride mount. Lou is my role model, putting me through my paces and giving me confidence. At 34, Lou approaches every day with joy. She still carries riders around with a spring in her step and a swish of her tail. She is lovely, but not a pushover. If you don’t keep your leg on her or steer her in the correct direction, she makes the decisions.
Lou and I practiced regularly in preparation for our ride and on the day of our performance, Lou was a rock star. She knew we were doing something special together. It was an honor to have Lou as my partner.
I thank my friend, Susan Buskirk, for encouraging me to complete the Century Club. Thank you to my trainer, Monica Fiss, who imparts her horse and riding knowledge in a supportive manner and never makes me feel old. Also, gratitude to Stacy Buzzell, Lou’s loving owner. Finally, thank you to my wonderful barn friends who are always there for me and to The Dressage Foundation for honoring riders and their horses to keep on doing what they love.