Team #748 Alice Morse and Bright Cloud

Team #748: Alice Morse and Bright Cloud
From: Chester Springs, Pennsylvania
Ages: 75 & 25
Combined Age: 100
Test: First Level Test 2
Both my parents rode, and I was put on a horse before I could walk. I was given my first horse in college and gravitated to eventing. When one of my horses, an off-the-track-Thoroughbred, decided eventing was not his thing, I took him to Prix St. Georges as a dressage horse.
My current three are “National Dressage Pony Cup” small horses, but they are not old enough for me to qualify for a Century Club ride, so Fiona Gowers gave me the ride on her Nokota, Bright Cloud. Cloud was incorrectly loaded onto a van in North Dakota and ended up living a good life in Pennsylvania.