Team #752 Rusty Cook and RA Justa Blayze

Photo by Lauren Aston Photography
Team #752: Rusty Cook and RA Justa Blayze
From: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ages: 77 & 24
Combined Age: 101
Test: First Level Test 1
Rusty Cook has always loved horses and has ridden since she was in grade school. At first that meant riding the mechanical horses in front of the grocery store or riding the ponies at the pony ring next door to her parents' business. Gradually that evolved into renting horses at a local stable for one-hour rides. Her parents had little interest in horses, and the family home was in a residential area, so there was no chance that Rusty could have a horse of her own.
When she was in college a couple of activities gave her a closer connection to horses. One summer she worked at the local Girl Scout camp as a counselor, and then as head of the horseback unit another summer. She also had the opportunity to work at a local riding stable preparing horses for clients, and riding the trails to make sure all riders and horses were okay.
After college, marriage, getting a job, moving to a ½ acre property, and building a small two-stall barn, her dream of owning a horse finally came true. She was able to purchase a nine-month-old filly, and with the help of a good friend and breeder of Arabian horses, she raised and trained that young horse, which became the cornerstone of a small but successful breeding program.
Fast forward several decades. Rusty bred, rode and showed purebred and half Arabians, and took riding lessons, both Western and English, and eventually dressage. Taking lessons with trainer Mariah Wilson of Platinum Performance Horses in Albuquerque, and coaches Antonya, Johanna, and Jo, gave her an opportunity to ride and show a variety of horses, both young and old.
Rusty made a connection with an older horse that was being used mostly as a walk/trot teacher for young and beginning riders. RA Justa Blayze is a purebred Arabian chestnut gelding who became her dressage teacher. She looked up his age and discovered that he would be the perfect partner for The Dressage Foundation’s Century Club ride. Months of practice built his muscles and stamina, and Rusty’s riding skills. In mid-May 2024, the dream came true, as Rusty and Blayze rode First Level Test 1 for their Century Club ride. Rusty is 77 and Blayze is 24, and neither of them had ever shown above Training Level. They continue to work together several days a week, practicing more advanced movements. It’s possible that they will show together again in the future. Meanwhile, Rusty enjoys riding Blayze, and he seems to enjoy their time together.