Team #757 Ann Lippy and Out of the Question

Team #757: Ann Lippy and Out of the Question
From: Phoenix, Maryland
Ages: 79 & 22
Combined Age: 101
Test: Training Level Test 1
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.” - Robert Browning
I was almost 30 when I began to ride, but as a child, I always yearned for my own horse. When I finally purchased my first horse, ‘Kismet,’ we also acquired a small Shetland pony, ‘Sonny,’ for my daughters, ages six and two. We all rode Western, and over the years, most of my large family, brothers and sisters, and Mom and Dad, joined in. We enjoyed many hours together, riding trails, and eventually, some of my siblings began to explore different disciplines, including fox hunting and eventing.
Life took a different road for me, and 30 more years had passed before I re-entered the horse world. I bought a young quarter horse, and finally, at 68, began my partnership with ‘Quest,’ who was 11. We just completed our Century Club ride, riding Training Level Test 1, and although neither of us were perfect, we were happy to be able to accomplish a goal that began as a mere thought but quickly became a dream and eventually a reality!
We are considering a Pas de Deux soon with my daughter, Pam. She has been my support system throughout my senior riding years, and she has a choreographed musical just waiting to be ridden. Wish me luck, and as Robert Browning also said…
"Then we began to ride. My soul
Smooth'd itself out, a long-cramp'd scroll
Freshening and fluttering in the wind."