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Team #758 Dianne Tashner and Rebel

Team #758: Dianne Tashner and Rebel
From: Chesapeake, Virginia
Ages: 76 & 24
Combined Age: 100
Test: WDAA Introductory Level Test 4

I was born and raised in Norfolk, VA. As a young child, I was horse-crazy and read all of the Walter Farley books I could find. When I became a teenager, I participated in a few hunter/jumper lessons. However, decades passed without any further horseback rides until I happened upon a fantastic, young, green Crabbet Arabian. By this time, I was in my mid-forties when he became mine. When I had to retire him in his 28th year, a wonderful friend and riding instructor, Barbara Felton, introduced me to a spotted saddle horse she thought I would like. I fell in love with him! Since he was gaited, I had to learn, at the age of sixty-six, how to transition from a walk/trot to a gaited horse. I have been “gliding” ever since! 

One day, during a lesson with our riding instructor, she asked, “Would you be interested in a new phase of Western Dressage just opening up in our area for gaited horses?” 

I replied, “It would be interesting.” So, my horse and I started from ground zero. Neither Rebel nor I had any prior experience with dressage, and I was new to the different gaits of my racking horse. What an incredible journey it has been and continues to be! I have met so many exceptional people along the way. 

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Barbara and to all those who have made this tremendous opportunity possible.