Team #759 Susan Unger and Whiskey’s Seven Up

Team #759: Susan Unger and Whiskey’s Seven Up
From: Enumclaw, Washington
Ages: 68 & 32
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test B
I caught the riding bug at age nine and spent a lifetime riding many different breeds and temperaments. My dream of owning a farm came true when I relocated from the East Coast to the West Coast.
In 2002, I rescued a sad little Appaloosa-Quarter Horse with bright, shiny eyes. We were both ill at the time, but we healed each other. She is a special lady who has enriched the lives of young and old alike. A healer, a teacher, and a spirited soul, she is incredibly smart and opinionated. She even memorized her dressage tests — and during our Century Club ride, she insisted on cantering at "C" during a walk-trot test, firmly reminding me that she has her own ideas.
Our journey together has been filled with adventure. We placed in the Top 10 at the First Level PNW Championships in 2007. Our escapades have included eventing, trail riding, western dressage, cow sorting, and archery. She can read my mind, and we are truly kindred spirits.
What a joy it was to have family, friends, and coaches gather at our farm to celebrate our Century Ride. Whiskey, now 32, rose to the occasion and delivered the highest score of her career. It was an emotional moment, and tears were shed. After the ride, the children gathered around, and Whiskey, ever the generous soul, gave them her winning ribbons and golden horseshoes.
Thank you to The Dressage Foundation and to the little mare who could — and still can.