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Team #760 Jill Mante and Electric Slide

Team #760: Jill Mante and Electric Slide
From: Warwick, New York
Ages: 76 & 26
Combined Age: 102
Test: Introductory Level Test A

I first read about the Century Club in a Platinum Performance Catalog. I realized that Gus, my Morgan horse, and I could reach this goal after he turned 25. On April 25, 2021, there was a great party for Gus’ birthday. The next day, he colicked. I could not save him. At the end of the day, I let him go on to his next adventure. My riding dream ended that day.  

A few years later, I resolved to realize my dream somehow. I asked everyone I knew for leads. After several frustrating and disappointing searches, I was no closer to my goal. Then, someone recommended another place to look. There, I found Electric Slide (Ella). She is a purebred Arabian mare,aged 26, who lives at what was Carousel Farm. Ella is mostly retired. She is ridden by small children.  

The owner of the farm, the trainer, and I had a meeting by Ella’s stall. I told them about my quest. I looked at Ella hopefully and the other adults looked at me. After a pause which seemed very long at that moment, I was invited to begin training for a schooling show at the stable. At first, I walked most of the time. I did not have enough strength to post a trot. A dear friend gave me a tee shirt with great advice on it, “When life gets bumpy, start posting.” Progress was slow. Many days, I was very discouraged.  

After a few months, I began to feel like a rider. Everyone at the barn had heard about me. They offered kind words and encouragement. The barn had changed its name to Level Up Equestrian, a serious show barn. There was time for fun too. My new barn family made me feel like what I was going to do was the most important event of the season.  

As show season approached, I began gathering clothes for my ride. I needed a stock tie and a pin. I mentioned these items to a friend. A few days later, a package arrived at my house with exactly what I needed. The pin had a charm on it that said, “She believed she could, and she did.” I went to the nearby tack store for a few other items. I told everyone everywhere about my quest. People who knew what a Century Club ride was were excited for me. People who had never been near a horse were also excited for me and wished me well. I took Gus’ reins off his bridle and put them on Ella’s bridle so Gus would be with me for my big day. Then, it was time. I was about to ride Intro Test A.  

Of course, I did not succeed all by myself. Thank you to my former barn family. Thank you, the members of my new barn family who said, that I had inspired them, but it was really they who had inspired me. Thank you to my family. Thank you to Margaret Cuddy of River Edge Farm. She was my first trainer who helped me to begin my journey from being a passenger on a horse to being a rider on a horse. Thank you to Amy Desposito, my current trainer, who believed in me before I believed in myself. She knew exactly what I needed to do to get ready for my Century Club ride. Thanks to Gus for the memories. Thank you to Ella for letting an adult have her special day.  

After my ride, there was a luncheon with friends and family. Someone came from three hours away just to see me ride. At the end of the day, I had my Century Club ribbon, three bouquets of flowers, balloons (not near the horses), the highest score I had ever achieved, and much to my surprise and delight, my first blue ribbon. It is a day I will always remember. Thank you to TDF for this opportunity.