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Team #761 Marla Stoner and Fox View Limerick

Team #761: Marla Stoner and Fox View Limerick
From: Damascus, Maryland
Ages: 70 & 30
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 3

A number of years ago, I started to think that the Century Club ride might be a possibility and began counting down the years until we would be eligible. Finally, the time came. My partner for the ride was my wonderful Connemara Pony/Thoroughbred mare, Fox View Limerick, whom I've had since the end of her two-year-old year. Limerick is my third horse and my heart horse. She's helped me accomplish so many goals, and the Century Club ride is the last goal I aim to achieve with her. 

My parents told me that I was three when I first started asking for a horse. They gave me riding lessons, but I had to wait until I was an adult and out on my own with a "real" job to get my first horse. That horse taught me the importance of a good mind. My second horse was a trier but had soundness problems from an injury on the track. After I lost her, the hole of not having a horse was too large, so I started to look for a horse that could help me work towards my goals on a limited budget. I found Limerick. She has a wonderful brain, good movement, and for most of her life, no soundness problems. 

When we were younger, we showed in both schooling and recognized shows and eventually competed through Fourth Level. We were even schooling Prix St Georges before Limerick indicated that level of work was becoming too much for her. Among the goals she helped me achieve were all the scores for the USDF bronze medal and some USDF All-Breed Awards. We also had the honor of being a demo horse in some local symposiums. 

After showing a few times at the Fourth Level, Limerick started to have soundness problems that kept getting worse. The cause eluded us until we discovered she was allergic to soy. After eliminating soy from her diet (not an easy task, as soy-free food, supplements, and treats are hard to find), she started improving, and we worked on getting her fit again. She came back amazingly well, and we were even able to show a couple of times at the third level. Unfortunately, in the last couple of years, some issues have resulted in reducing her capabilities, so she's been semi-retired, and we just do what she's up to. She loves to hack out, and I'm so lucky that I can still ride and enjoy her. 

After anticipating the Century Club ride for so long, it was hard to believe the time had come. The week preceding the ride did not go according to plan. Early in the week, my back flared up, and I couldn't ride for most of the week. I didn't want to risk setting it off again, so I did very little before the show. Then, the day of the show was rainy. Lim warmed up very well in the indoor and seemed to be enjoying herself. However, the footing in the outdoor ring where the test was held had gotten very sloppy, and Lim had trouble with it. But she was a trooper, and we made it through and completed the test. I am so grateful for the many friends who came out to help and support us and that I was able to do this ride on my long-term partner.