Team #762 Janis Foley and Lehstrata

Team #762: Janis Foley and Lehstrata
From: Beavercreek, Ohio
Ages: 75 & 25
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 1
In 2002, I lost my horse to colic and founder. Out of the blue, my former trainer received a call from a woman she had not heard from in three years. She called to ask if my trainer knew anyone looking to buy a horse. The horse in question was green broke and had been backed. Her sire was Lehnsritter, the foundation stud of Lelo Fore. Her dam was a retired Thoroughbred steeplechaser.
The offer was for me to try the horse for two months, with the understanding that if it didn't work out, the owner would come and get her. At the time, I was 54 and had no experience handling green broke horses. "What was I thinking?"
Fortunately, my trainer had been a working student of Michael Poulin. She helped guide me through the early days of naughtiness. Needless to say, I bought the horse at the end of those two months but didn't ride her for another seven.
When I purchased her, I knew she would most likely be my last horse. My goal was for us to ride off together into our mutual old age. With the Century Club ride complete, our journey continues.
She has PPID but is not metabolic. She’s still sound, and has never been injected, but is on Equioxx. We shall continue our journey, staying as healthy and fit as we can. We truly are partners.