Team #763 Nardine Bellew and Epona Mystique

Team #763: Nardine Bellew and Epona Mystique
From: Dedham, Massachuesetts
Ages: 71 & 29
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test B
As a young child, I was “horse-crazy.” My entire existence was dreaming about the day I could have access to a horse. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be until I got into my 50s.
I graduated high school in 1970, married in 1975, and quickly had two children within 10 months of each other. My world was raising my two kids and working to support them after my divorce. My dream of horses was shoved into the bowels of my mind until one random day I happened upon a horse show on the side of the road at Rozena’s Field in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. I saw a pickup truck bearing the logo of Dorbill Stables on its side. That was in 2008 – I was 56 years old!
It was intimidating to start riding at age 56 and learn balance by being on a lunge line for the next few months but it was a dream come true – MY dream come true. I continued weekly lessons and announced to my trainer that I wanted to purchase my own horse. Patty, my trainer, and I went horse shopping. We met and tried a half dozen horses when we came upon Epona Mystique who I fell in love with immediately. It was love at first sight 10 years ago. It has been a magical journey ever since. We are now respectively 29 and 71 years totaling 100 years and proud of it – and proud to have joined The Dressage Foundation’s Century Club.