Team #768 Carolyn Senft and Lady Fiona of the Fields

Team #768: Carolyn Senft and Lady Fiona of the Fields
From: Syracuse, New York
Ages: 67 & 36
Combined Age: 103
Test: Training Level Test 1
From Point A to Point B
So how did I get from Point A to Point B, if Point A is that early exposure to horses and Point B is where I am today? Like many children, even some like me who grew up in the borough of Queens in New York City, I was put on a pony at the age of three or four. Apparently, I was hooked. Unfortunately, my mother was not hooked on the idea that I was hooked and never gave me another opportunity to be on a horse. I looked forward to another pony ride, but the barn was soon put out of business by the widening of the highway. So I read books (even reading one on Man O’ War for a book report) and watched television shows and movies (such as National Velvet, Fury, and yes, even Mr. Ed).
Fast forward a little more than a decade...
I entered Cornell University, ultimately studying architecture. Cornell was somewhat unique, and to the best of my knowledge, still is, in that it requires each undergraduate student to take four semesters of physical education. I guess I was always looking for opportunities to get back on a horse, so once I learned that you could get a semester of physical education credit for horseback riding, I was ready to go. About three years later, I had another opportunity to ride. I was studying in Delft, The Netherlands, during the summer with a couple dozen of my classmates. Trail rides were available at a nearby lake, so yes, I jumped at the opportunity as well.
Fast forward five decades...
If I give it thought, I realize that horses and the idea of riding have always been buried somewhere in the depths of my brain. However, I did not seriously look for an opportunity until I learned about Sunshine Horses, a horse rescue in the countryside north of Syracuse, New York. As of this time, I have been volunteering for four years. It has given me the chance to connect with the horses, some of whom I am especially fond of. Many come to Sunshine with special needs, physical and/or emotional. I feel fortunate that I have been able to work with one horse in particular during my morning shift. But one thing often leads to another, and my friend Alyson led me to Diane Brandow and Spruce Valley Stables. So as of now, I have been taking lessons from Diane for almost three years, almost two of those years riding Fiona, who is 36 years old now. She is truly remarkable—ready to keep up with the younger horses. I feel fortunate that I am able to ride the same horse, enabling me to build up a bond with her. I try to spend as much time with Fiona out of the saddle as I do in the saddle. It has been a blessing. My head is cleared of everything else when I am with Fiona.
Kudos to Lady Fiona of the Fields...
I am not only indebted to Alyson for showing me the way to Spruce Valley Stables, but to Diane for showing me the way to Fiona. Many thanks to all.