Team #769 Christine Mudge and Selene

Photo by Kelly Kenneally Photography
Team #769: Christine Mudge and Selene
From: Mill Valley, California
Ages: 72 & 28
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 3
For over 25 years, I’ve been a partner with my Morgan mare, Indiana Dar La Vuelta. Because there was a full moon when I first met her, I call her Selene, after the lunar goddess of the Greeks. She was bred by Joan Zeleny and trained by my good friend, the late Gwen Stockerbrand. We now work with Elena Bass.
It has been a challenging quarter century for my mare, who has had more than her share of medical problems, including a surgical clip of her right hind angular ligament, colic surgery, pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, metabolic disease, and a severe episode of laminitis—which required her to be on stall rest for a year. With the help of my farrier RT Goodrich, and equine veterinarians Dr. Robert Steere and Dr. Jim Myers, Selene made a full recovery. Aside from such wonderful professional help, I suspect, it was due to my Morgan mare’s heart of gold and unflagging work ethic.
I began to ride when I was forty years old. I first read about the Century Club in the California Dressage Society Newsletter. It became a goal for both of us. At the Sue Curry Memorial Dressage Show, it came true. Before Selene’s laminitis, we were starting to ride Third Level, but I opted to ride a Training Level test for the Century Club. The experience was exhilarating, and I thank my friends and family for making it even more special. Selene and I hope to ride a Third Level test later this year. Many thanks to TDF for their support and encouragement.

Photo by Kelly Kenneally Photography