Team #773 Bob Cuevas and Hannah

Photo by Kylen Camille Photography
Team #773: Bob Cuevas and Hannah
From: Bend, Oregon
Ages: 74 & 26
Combined Age: 100
Test: First Level Freestyle
As a kid, I wanted to be either a pilot or a cowboy. I did become a pilot and just retired after 50 years of flying. The cowboy dream came about sporadically. I have ridden and owned horses with Mary (Century Club Team #696) over the past 54 years, not as a cowboy though, but in hunt seat, jumping, fox hunting, and trail riding. I do wear cowboy boots now while trail riding in a dressage saddle.
It was our friends in the barn where we board who suggested I do a Century Club ride. I decided it would be fun to do a freestyle as these friends suggested some songs they thought would fit my ride. With some help, I brushed up on dressage arena riding and dressage test requirements. It was not only my first dressage test but also my first freestyle. We did a First Level Freestyle, cantering to “Bad to the Bone,” trotting to “Wild Thing,” and walking to a Kenny and the Jets song. We received a respectable score.
Hannah, our Norwegian Fjord, did her best. This was her third Century Club ride in three years. She continues to be our companion horse, trail horse, and "anyone can ride her" horse. Who knows, maybe there will be more Century Club rides!!
Thank you to Alliance Equestrian Center and Central Oregon Chapter of the Oregon Dressage Society for hosting the League show and two Century Club rides. Thank you to The Dressage Foundation for supporting and giving this opportunity to the young-at-heart riding population.