Team #774 Delores Parker and Gen's Gray Delight

Photo by Kylen Camille Photography
Team #774: Delores Parker and Gen's Gray Delight
From: Farmington, Minnesota
Ages: 81 & 21
Combined Age: 102
Test: WDAA Introductory Level Test 2
My Century Club ride is to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the passing of my husband, Irv Parker. Irv was named the Pioneer Horseman of the Year by the Minnesota Horse Council. We were married for 52 years and were lifeĀtime trail partners. We loved to ride trails, and have ridden in most western states, some southern states, and Canada. The stirrups on my saddle were Irv's. I feel a memory of him still riding with me.
We enjoyed camping, horse showing, raising our kids around horses, attending saddle club meetings, leading 4-H horse programs, and spending time with family and friends. Some of our fondest memories were around the campfire after a good day of riding. I want to acknowledge the help of my family and friends. After Irv passed away, I had to learn new skills, such as driving a truck and large horse trailer.
My current horse is "Gray." He is a 21-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse. I have owned, ridden, and cared for him for the past five years. Gray is also a good trail partner. I have had horses for over 50 years, and showed my first horse, "Gypsy," when I was 15 years old. Most of our horses have been Quarter Horses. A few of the family favorites were "Sonny," "Lass," "Kitty," "Smoke," and "Jag."
The Century Club ride was an honor. Even after my years of riding, I enjoy learning new things and preparing for this ride.
I want to thank Kathy Mueller and the Equitation Station for making this dream come true.