Team #776 Fleta Sokal and Feliz

Team #776: Fleta Sokal and Feliz
From: Forest Hill, Maryland
Ages: 69 & 31
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 1
Feliz, age 31, and I, age 69, have been together for 21 years. Before that, she was my daughter’s event horse. We have had a rocky road as she was “too” much horse for me for a long time. This included a buck in a canter transition that landed me in the hospital with six fractured ribs. She was a Ferrari when I needed a family sedan. She is very particular about how she wants to be ridden and will let you know if you are not riding correctly. Over the years, we have grown together, me improving my riding and she became more tolerant. I trust her to take care of me now.
When I heard about the Century Club ride about five years ago, I decided if she and I were still here, we would do it. For four years, I thought I would just do a walk-trot test, but this year I decided to challenge myself with a walk-trot-canter, Training Level Test 1. I am so blessed to have had many excellent instructors, local and online, to help me with this goal, my horsemanship, and my riding. I was also supported by many friends and fellow riders. I am forever grateful for them and the opportunity to do this special ride. The Maryland Dressage Association could not have been nicer. It is a never-ending journey, and I hope we have many more years together. Feliz does not seem to be slowing down at all. I hope I can do another Century Club ride in four years with my other horse, Journey.