Team #777 Sherrie Ridenour and Z

Team #777: Sherrie Ridenour and Z
From: Bend, Oregon
Ages: 70 & 30
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 1
What The Dressage Foundation Century Club Award Means to Me
Live long with a smile and a horse! Being a veterinarian has given me a career with patients that have always put a smile on my face or made my heart leap to help when they are hurting. When my small animal hospital had grown enough to support another veterinarian and allowed me to spend some time away, I fulfilled a lifelong dream of getting my very own horse. Antarez, or “Z” as he is known, is a 30-year-old Hanoverian gelding. I took Z into my life with such joy when he was 7 and I was 48. Dressage quickly became a passion for me, and maybe I was too often taken too seriously by my determination to succeed as an adult amateur in competition. I had not received any formal lesson experience before owning Z, so I owe a big thanks to many skilled and patient trainers along the way (all saints). I survived to love every year of learning and laughing.
My veterinary background gave me a close connection to the expertise of nearby Ohio State University Equine Veterinarians, who did all they could for Z. Within the first couple of years of ownership, a torn suspensory required a bone scan for diagnosis and PRP for healing during the rest period. In addition, Z had severe skin allergies treated most of his life with Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy (ASIT weekly “allergy shots”), EPM responsive to Protazil, PPID responsive to Prascend, and navicular disease treated as needed. Osteoarthritis was inevitable for both of us reaching for the “100,” but relaxing rides at the walk, on the hills, and in the woods of the farm have helped both of us feel well and stay active together.
Recognizing every day how lucky I am to have Z encouraged me to celebrate our age with the Century Club ride. I also wanted to inform more riders about The Dressage Foundation and its wonderful mission to serve as a financial resource for riders and trainers, as well as for those who are able, to support The Dressage Foundation’s mission. We are also very fortunate in our area to have local dressage organizations that are community-minded, energetic in organizing competitions, and supportive of trainers with their resources.
Since leaving competition many years ago, I have continued to ride Z several times a week in the arena, through Ohio winters and across the hills, fields, and woods that surround our boarding facility. As a discipline, I believe that dressage training supports healthy joints and core strength, both for the horse and the rider. Joint supplements and the all-day turnout that Z has had with buddies since “retiring” from competition ten years ago provide a quality of life for him. It rewards his service and helps him mentally and physically to be capable of reaching an age of eligibility for the Century Club.
A few years ago, my passion for dressage and consideration for my aging horse prompted me to purchase a wonderful Swedish Warmblood, “Harry,” but last year Harry developed an inflammatory disease and laminitis. It was such a sad experience, and I am so grateful for the connection with Z who kept me company through that loss.
Trainers make such a difference in the quality of life between horses and riders. There are so many wonderful written and online resources as well. I would like to start all over again, knowing what I know now, but learning more. The connection, experience, many years of being a veterinarian, and my history with Z have enriched my life more than I could ever have imagined. I hoped that Z and I might make it to the Century Club, in recognition of the years that he has worked and given, as well as how riding has kept me healthier and happier in my senior years. Thank you, The Dressage Foundation, for the recognition this gives to keeping older dressage horses healthy along the way, and for funding riders of all ages in the joy and discipline of dressage riding.