Team #786 Susan de Jong and Tristan

Team #786: Susan de Jong and Tristan
From: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ages: 82 & 18
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test A
An equestrienne in her childhood in Boulder, Colorado, Susan is a highly accomplished flutist who performed with the Santa Fe Opera for the 1968 and 1969 seasons. The connection to Santa Fe was sealed after her husband visited Santa Fe every year thereafter. Susan remembers, “On one of those trips, we took a trail ride and thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice…’”
After moving to Santa Fe and taking lessons at the Equestrian Center for five years Susan purchased Spirit, a beautiful Morgan, who was her equine companion for the next 12 years. Dressage became her passion and Allen Swafford, a trainer at the Equestrian Center, coached Susan to her USDF bronze medal aboard Spirit. Susan’s next horse, Tristan, came into her life when she and Allen traveled to Europe looking for a “schoolmaster” horse with whom she could earn her USDF silver medal.
In 2021, Nicole Salwender became Susan’s “delightful and patient” new trainer. With Nicole’s coaching, Susan said she was “enthusiastically pursuing Fourth Level tests in hopes of achieving my silver medal, but then medical problems intervened.” With diminished expectations, Susan continued riding Tristan, taking lessons with Nicole whenever possible.
Susan recounts the events leading up to July 16, when, to her surprise, she became a member of TDF’s Century Club. In her words:
“Kristi Wysocki, a highly accomplished dressage judge and trainer from Washington, started giving clinics at the Equestrian Center in January. Although I was reluctant to participate, Kristi assured me I could learn with Tristan even at a walking pace. The first walk lesson was fun, and at its conclusion, Kristi and Nicole informed me that Tristan and I met the combined age requirement for a Century Club attempt. Kristi was enthusiastic and I wasn’t. After riding Fourth Level tests with Tristan, I had no interest in riding a walking test. When Kristi returned to the Equestrian Center several months later, I again signed up for a lesson. In preparation, Nicole suggested I clean up my act and wear a nice riding outfit. When I arrived at the barn for my lesson with Kristi, I saw that Tristan looked very nice – Jose Vargas, the Equestrian Center Director, made sure Tristan had been fully groomed and his mane was braided. Yes, it made sense that we both looked nice for Kristi’s clinic. I was enjoying Kristi’s coaching and halfway through the lesson she was talking to me, and I thought, ‘Gee, I still have another 20 minutes left.’ Then the lesson resumed, and Kristi began giving me instructions that sounded sort of like a test. Kristi said, ‘Halt,’ which I did, and then said, ‘Salute,’ which I did. Two minutes later I was presented with a huge, beautiful bouquet of flowers, and a photographer was taking pictures. Kristi announced that I had just successfully completed a Century Club test with my wonderful Tristan! I was flabbergasted and broke into laughter. Then there was a fabulous celebration – a gold tiara, congratulatory banners, a gorgeous ribbon and plaque furnished by The Dressage Foundation, snacks for Tristan, and kind congratulations from wonderful, supportive barn friends and staff. It was a lifetime special event, and I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing for the rest of the day! Yes, there are thrills after 80!”