Team #788 Dawn White and Dutch Uncle

Photo by Leah Strid
Team #788: Dawn White and Dutch Uncle
From: Wentzville, Missouri
Ages: 70 & 30
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 1
I started riding at age 50 on my daughter’s ex-jumper after we purchased Dutch Uncle. I later purchased a 17-hand Thoroughbred, but we never got to show. We had a terrible accident where I broke my pelvis in two places. After months in a wheelchair and rehab, I recovered.
Fear of riding was rampant, but I missed the joy and feeling. My daughter convinced me to try Dutch as he was “Mr. Steady Eddie.” I began lessons with Brianna Zwilling and slowly started building confidence. I started showing again, and after a few years, realized lateral work was getting harder for him and it was probably best to retire him healthy.
Dutch began living the life, all the pasture and “ladies” he could flirt with as he never realized he was a gelding. He also enjoyed the occasional pleasure rides.
When I realized I was 70 and he was 30 and still looking good, I got the idea, could we do a Century Club ride? Was he still fit enough after years of retirement? Although he wasn’t as fit as he used to be in his younger days, he was a trooper.
I owe Dutch a lot. He was the spark that got me riding again. His personality has never wavered which drew us to him so many years ago. After this ride, he will retire again with an occasional ride, but he has earned his place in the pasture.
I thank The Dressage Foundation for this honor and the opportunity to join the ranks of Century Club riders.