Team #790 Pat Lamont and Merit

Team #790: Pat Lamont and Merit
From: Oak Harbor, Washington
Ages: 74 & 27
Combined Age: 101
Test: Training Level Test 2
I was born in August of 1949 in Maryland and I started riding at age eight. At age 12, I started taking Pony Club lessons. I started competing in Competitive Trail Riding in 1977 and was the Washington State Champion in 1980! In 1981, I started three-day eventing and continued until 1990 through the Preliminary level. After that, I started riding dressage up to Prix St. George. I was a member of USDF, USEF, Whidbey Dressage Society, and Equestrian’s Institute. I also earned my USDF Bronze Medal, and before the Century Club, my last competition was in 2016 riding Prix St. Georges on Utopia.
Merit is a 27-year-old Norwegian Fjord, who was purchased five years ago. Previously, he was a three-day event horse and competed through Training Level. Now he is primarily a trail horse.
A huge thank you goes out to my instructors, four of whom were there for my Century Club ride, Nancy Benton, Debbie DeWitt, Lisa Boyer, and Lisa Weis. Thank you to Whidbey Equestrian Center and The Dressage Foundation for making this possible. I would also like to thank my support crew, Renee Cash Chong for being my groom and many friends. We enjoyed cake at the concession stand to celebrate!