Team #792 Lin Aanonsen and Loegan

Team #792: Lin Aanonsen and Loegan
From: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Ages: 68 & 34
Combined Age: 102
Test: Introductory Level Test B
Loegan is a miracle horse!
He is 34 and still has big, beautiful gaits, and a heart that has healed many and brought joy to many more. Loegan came into my life in 2005. He became the dream horse of my partner, Jan Serie, in 2005. A mere year and a half later, Jan was diagnosed with late-stage cancer and died in 2008. During that time, she rode Loegan as much as possible after recovering from surgery and throughout her chemo treatments. She was transformed when she got on him and I know that the hardest “goodbye” for her was to Loegan.
I inherited Loegan and wanted to take care of him. Little did I know that he would be the one taking care of me, helping me through terrible grief and loss. I never aspired to ride and even feared it, but Kathy Mueller, my friend and teacher, and owner of Equitation Station where Loegan is boarded, encouraged me to ride. She kept repeating, “Lin if you want to get on Loegan we will find a way to make it happen.” Within a couple of months, I was learning to ride this magnificent horse. I cannot convey the depth of healing and joy that his presence has brought me. He paved the path for new love and family and is a constant reminder that from great sorrow and loss, there can grow great joy and abundance. I am so deeply grateful and indebted to Kathy Mueller for her friendship, guidance, instruction, and the amazing family of riders and horses that she has nurtured at Equitation Station. I am so grateful for Loegan!