Team #798 Linda Gill Taylor and Tango

Photo by Bethany P Photography
Team #798: Linda Gill Taylor and Tango
From: Fairway, Kansas
Ages: 76 & 24
Combined Age: 100
Test: Second Level Test 1
Tango and I began our partnership in 2014. A Dutch Warmblood, a grandson of Jazz, he was already an experienced dressage horse of FEI quality whose life circumstances had short-circuited his upward progress. We bonded from the beginning and showed together actively for six years running, achieving our USDF bronze medal.
We always planned to do our Century Club ride in 2024, and he performed the Second Level Test 1 with energy and joy on August 3, 2024. He was affectionate, generous, and regal. His gorgeous gaits and gleaming white coat always drew admiring comments at shows. Sadly he passed away December 4, 2024 from complications following sinus surgery. He is missed by many and was dearly loved by me.