Team #800 Linda Denniston and Zafra

Team #800: Linda Denniston and Zafra
From: Rocky Ridge, Maryland
Ages: 82 & 21
Combined Age: 103
Test: Introductory Level Test B
Linda Denniston, a resident of Rocky Ridge, Maryland, is a former art teacher with a love for horses and an avid interest in dressage. She was the owner and operator of Cedar Rowe Lusitanos, which produced quality Lusitano horses bred here in the United States.
Linda’s Lusitano stallions, Jalifa and Tonico Do Top, were both trained and shown as upper-level dressage horses and had very successful careers. Linda sponsored their journeys, choosing Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel to have the privilege of training them through the levels. Linda spent many years at First Choice Farm watching Felicitas develop her horses, she truly enjoyed every part of the journey.
Linda always enjoyed watching her horses compete and train, but it had been a dream of hers for some time to become a member of the Century Club. She was fortunate enough to find a sweet, and willing partner in her horse Zafra. Zafra is a 21-year-old Lustitano mare who was in North Carolina when Linda found her. Zafra was originally imported from Brazil. She was a broodmare for many years before the owners decided to help her find a second career. Linda knew that she was the horse she needed to complete her goal. Since purchasing Zafra, Linda has worked hard for the past 6 years to form a true partnership.