Team #803 Millie McCoy and Xon

Photo by Doug Reitz, Art of Marketing
Team #803: Millie McCoy and Xon
From: Wellington, Florida
Ages: 83 & 22
Combined Age: 105
Test: Introductory Level Test A
My journey to the Century Club began five years ago when my beloved stallion, Rio, was 22 and I was 78. In Wellington, Florida, we were practicing our test when his canter unbalanced me and I came off, injured. I slowly realized I was unable to ever ride the canter safely. I gave up on the Century Club ride.
Three years ago, I was taking Rio out to ride the trails at my upstate New York farm. He stopped at the trail entrance, turned his head around, and “said” “I can no longer do this.” With tears in my eyes, I took him back to the barn and retired him.
After Covid, Xon reentered my horse life. Xon is a 22-year-old Lusitano who I owned and then sold when his talent was beyond my abilities. Being gray, Xon did poorly in the Florida heat and came back to. We have been happily riding the trails together at my farm.
The Century Club ride goal was still alive. In September, an unfit show rider and an unfit horses gave it our best and made it through the test with the support of Xon’s former owner, Carol Epstein.