Team #808 Becky Hibbert and Dally

Team #808: Becky Hibbert and Dally
From: Davis, California
Ages: 73 & 27
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test B
Dally is age 27, and I am 73. We have been together for 26 years. It seems like just yesterday that I was coerced into buying this little, adorable, buckskin, yearling filly. The inspiration to buy Dally came from teenagers who boarded at the same barn I did. They assured me that if I bought her, they would help me care for her. Luckily, they helped me! Teckla did a yearlong project for FFA with Dally and soon after young Mira started riding her. I would have to describe Dally’s early training as enthusiastically forward, joyous, and loving. After very happy years the teenagers were off to college.
I found it difficult to ride Dally consistently because of work demands, but I took time to walk her almost every day. Then, after working 42 years in the lumber business, I retired!
I moved Dally to Holly Fox Farms, where we began taking regular lessons. Allegra helped me carefully put a fresh start on Dally and we were pleasantly surprised how happy she was to be getting out and about.
In the spring of 2024, we were 100 years old. In August we rode our Century Clun ride. It was a wonderful event and celebration. I am grateful for all the caring support I got. I could never have done without all the encouragement and help I got. Thank you to all the people who recognize how extra special and fun it is to continue riding as an older senior rider.