Team #812 Thomas Crossen and CA Garimond +/

Team #812: Thomas Crossen and CA Garimond +/
From: Coventry, Connecticut
Ages: 72 & 29
Combined Age: 101
Test: Introductory Level Test B
Thomas is the recipient of the USDF bronze medal and the USDF Master’s Challenge Award in three different levels. He has ridden or shown in-hand fifteen different horses in 174 classes at Open and Breed specific shows.
Additional accomplishments with the Arabian Horse Association in Amateur Achievement Awards include Handler of Honor Champion, Rider of Honor Champion, Rider of Excellence Champion, Horseman of Merit Champion, and Horseman of Supreme Merit Champion. These awards were attained in multiple disciplines: dressage, sport horse in-hand, under saddle, and western pleasure.
At the 2017 Arabian/HA/AA Sport Horse Nationals, Thomas earned Champion Top Ten in dressage Third and Fourth Levels-ATR. His horse, Khoncise+, was trained by Thomas himself in dressage, Sport Horse in-hand, and under saddle.
CA Garimond+/ is a handsome, athletic, purebred Arabian with a solid work ethic. He has competed successfully in sport horse under saddle and dressage to Second Level at AHA-Class A, Regional and East Coast Championship shows. He also competed at an open show in Third Level dressage scoring a respectable 60%. CA Garimond+/ has earned the distinction of attaining the Legion of Supreme Honor with the Arabian Horse Association.
CA Garimond+/ is sired by the late CA Dillon owned and bred by Crossen Arabians, LLC. And the produce of Genevaa whose lineage also includes numerous champion bloodlines. Garimond’s regal presence and athleticism are inherited traits which he proudly represents.