Team #822 Peter Rothschild and Enigma

Team #822: Peter Rothschild and Enigma
From: Olympia, Washington
Ages: 76 & 25
Combined Age: 101
Test: Training Level Freestyle
Seventy years ago, at the tender age of six, I started riding Champ around the family farm. Thirty-eight years later, on Molly, I entered my first dressage show and rode my first tests. Fourteen years later, Enigma, a Hanoverian/Arab cross became “my horse.”
Over the last 18 years, “The Ig and I” have shown throughout USDF Region 6, starting, of course, at “Intro” and then slowly, VERY slowly, working our way up the levels earning our USDF bronze and silver medals and bronze Freestyle Bar.
We were both fortunate that, over those 18 years, we had the good fortune to connect with wonderful trainers who worked on both Ig and me. Even though we were not “made” for Dressage, we got as far as we did is a huge credit to those trainers who never gave up on us. It is also a huge credit to my late wife who was the one who brought me kicking and screaming from “real riding” (i.e. Western) to dressage.
It's been a wonderful 70 years of being around horses (with a 20-year time out for college, marriage, kids, work). The Ig has been a special partner who has saved me in many ways. Now that we are “A Century” it couldn’t have been better.
A huge Thank You to The Dressage Foundation for this program, Kari McClain for teaching us and setting up the ride, Mike Osinski for judging, and my wife, Louise for her support.