Team #829 Lizabeth Joens and Jesse

Team #829: Lizabeth Joens and Jesse
From: Prior Lake, Minnesota
Ages: 72 & 29
Combined Age: 101
Test: Introductory Level Test B
My love for horses began when I was a young girl in Minnesota. At 16, I got my first job and saved to buy my first horse. It took a while to pay off the $250 price tag and I couldn't afford a saddle, so I rode bareback for a year. Over the years I've enjoyed many different disciplines, from Western Pleasure to dressage.
Now, I spend most of the year in Florida, where I volunteer at various three-day-eventing and driving events in the Ocala area. During the summer I return to Minnesota and spend time with my two daughters, family, and friends. I also volunteer a few days a week at a nearby therapeutic riding stable. Most weekends you’ll find me trail riding with my daughters, Monica and Michelle, and their good friend Kelly.
Michelle has been incredibly generous in letting me ride her Quarter Horse mare, Jesse, who is now 29 years old. Michelle has owned Jesse since she was a yearling and I feel honored to ride and pamper her just a bit. Jesse and I took some lessons this summer to prepare for our Century Club ride as it has been years since I last competed. We completed our ride on September 10th at Cross Creek Stables in Cologne, Minnesota. I was thrilled to have the support of my daughters and a large group from the stable including another Century Club rider. It was a lovely, memorable ride.