Team #833 Roberta Byington and Butch

Team #833: Roberta Byington and Butch
From: Malden, Massachusetts
Ages: 74 & 26
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test A
Butch and I did our Century Club ride at my barn in Dover, New Hampshire, in front of many family members and many friends. When I tell you I was stressed, it does not clearly describe how I was feeling that day. If it were not for my barn family, that day would not have happened.
My journey began two years before when my barn hosted a Century Club ride. When it was over, I knew this was something I very much wanted to do.
Butch is a twenty-six-year-old Tennessee Walking horse who retired in 2020 from the Hampton Mounted Police of Hampton, New Hampshire. He spent seventeen years walking his beat on Hampton Beach. I was the lucky one to adopt him.
My riding experience is purely casual. I was never into showing. I just wanted to be on a horse, ride, and love them. During those two years, I was distracted by new physical issues, which interrupted my training. However, I was lucky to be at a barn where people help each other. Suddenly there was Kat to ride Butch while I could not. Then Jess, my trainer, researched the tests for Tennessee Walkers. She found a judge able to judge the Century Club ride and pushed me to a challenge and never gave up on me. Kim helped me gain the confidence to do this! And of course, Stephanie, Butch’s neighbor and his Fairy Godmother. She made sure Butch got bubble baths and treats, after each lesson or just on hot days. Before you knew it, Butch was riding outside to the designated test with Kat and Jess and loving it.
When I was able to ride again, I had only three weeks before the big day. We worked hard, and things seemed to be coming along! However, the day before the ride, my ride was a disaster. Butch was fine, I was way off. Oh dear, tomorrow is the day!
All the excitement and activity in the barn, and it was all for me and Butch. I got dressed; walked down to the outdoor ring; got on Butch; the bell rang, and we were off!
You could hear a pin drop!
I was overwhelmed with joy and pride! Very emotional! It was done! My goal was achieved!
Thank you to TDF for sponsoring this type of event! None of it would have happened without the magnificent barn family I am so lucky to be a part of. Thank you just is not enough to express my sincere gratitude to you all. You made my CENTURY CLUB RIDE HAPPEN!