Team #835 Melissa Creswick and Buena Vista

Team #835: Melissa Creswick and Buena Vista
From: Clovis, California
Ages: 78 & 27
Combined Age: 105
Test: Third Level Test 3
I have had many wonderful experiences with horses and students. My love of teaching has guided my career. Success has come from being the owner/trainer of a riding stable for twenty-five years. I earned my USDF bronze, silver, and gold medals on horses I have trained.
Becoming a USEF ‘S’ dressage judge and a ‘R’ western dressage judge has kept me busy and on the road. I am proud to have served the discipline as the vice president of USDF, president of the California Dressage Society, and Chairman of our local chapter. One accomplishment seemed out of reach – I wanted to ride for membership in the Century Club. My horse is not old enough and I felt as though I might not make it.
The answer came when I was coaching a student at a show in Oklahoma and ran into a rider whom I had taught in clinics for several years. She was willing to provide a horse to qualify me for the Century Club, and I was scheduled to judge at her facility. With some issues figured out, I rode Buena Vista, a 27-year-old horse, and was judged by the owner of the facility after I finished the first day of a two-day show. Our ages totaled 105 and we made it around successfully. Bucket List activity – check!
Most importantly, my professional life and service to dressage came full circle by having a student serve me to support one of my dreams. With friends and other riders around, I had a great time! I thank The Dressage Foundation for the wonderful opportunity to support and acknowledge senior riders and senior horses!