Team #836 Nancy Litsch and JC’s Keely of Texel

Team #836: Nancy Litsch and JC’s Keely of Texel
From: Duncan, Oklahoma
Ages: 80.5 & 19.5
Combined Age: 100
Test: Third Level Freestyle
What a joy! A second Century Club ride!
Ten years ago – a younger rider and an older horse. Ten years later – an older rider and a younger horse. The sense of accomplishment is still there. While not quite as crisp as we once were – the joy of riding is ever-present.
It was a privilege and honor to have my friend, Melissa Creswick, judge our ride at Robin Hessel’s Valley View Farm in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Equally significant is the support of The Dressage Foundation for recognizing older equestrians. TDF not only supports senior riders, but also awards grants to adult amateurs, junior/young riders, show officials, and breeders.
Thank you to The Dressage Foundation. You make dreams come true for us “mature” athletes and our equine partners. We appreciate you!