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2024 Rides

838 - Georgia Kelton and South Star Sebastian

Team #838 Georgia Kelton and South Star Sebastian

Photo by Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding

Team #838: Georgia Kelton and South Star Sebastian
From: Reno, Texas
Ages: 76 & 29
Combined Age: 105
Test: WDAA Introductory Level Test 1

South Star Sebastian aka Seb and I started our journey together in 2004, with Virginia Norris of Norris Training Center. While I was new to riding, Seb was a pro. We competed in numerous open shows with the Morgan Horse Club of Texas and even won some World Championships and Reserve World Championships in Trail (English and Western), Ranch, Dressage (Classical and Western) as well as a Top 10 placing in Hunter Pleasure at the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show. I owe everything I know to Virginia and Seb, and I am thankful to have such a wonderful horse to continue learning with.