Team #841 Theresa Tavenner and Abalon BWS

Team #841: Theresa Tavenner and Abalon BWS
From: Pickford, Michigan
Ages: 77 & 23
Combined Age: 100
Test: WDAA Introductory Level Test 2
I’ve been a horse lover all my life, although I didn’t have a horse of my own until I was about 30 years old. I always lived well out of town and until moving to Michigan in 1996, I never had the opportunity to do anything besides trail riding. I have always been fascinated by dressage and wanted to learn as I felt then (and still do) that good basic horsemanship is key to any discipline.
When I met Suzanne Morisse, I began taking lessons from her, and we’ve had a productive relationship for over 10 years. My mare has become a pasture pet since developing navicular, so I’ve been riding Haflingers for the last several years.