Team #842 Lesley Porten and Greenway’s Erin Donaghdee

Team #842: Lesley Porten and Greenway’s Erin Donaghdee
From: Roswell, Georgia
Ages: 72 & 28
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test C
My riding journey started when I was in my 40s. I never rode as a child or was drawn to horses until my husband convinced me to go on a trail ride on the island of Maui. I was placed on a horse named Killer and wasn’t sure if I was more afraid of my horse or the cows roaming around the mountain. But that ride changed everything, and I was hooked.
In 2004 I found my soul pony, Greenway’s Erin Donaghdee or Mr. D as he is fondly called, and we have been together over 20 years. It hasn’t always been an easy road, but we worked through the hard times and have become a team. D has taught me not only how to ride, but patience, how to enjoy nature, and how to live in the present. We still do our dressage lessons but also love trail rides or just walking around the pastures. Being a Connemara pony, he loves doing different things and we have even started doing some caveletti work, which he really enjoys. I am so grateful we can still continue to enjoy each other. I always tell him I won’t say how old you are (28) as long as you don’t tell me how old I am (72). I love this guy with all my heart!