Team #843 Myra Miller and Reo

Team #843: Myra Miller and Reo
From: Cold Spring, Kentucky
Ages: 82 & 21
Combined Age: 103
Test: WDAA Introductory Level Test 2
My life with horses began 72 years ago when, as a ten-year-old lonely child, I discovered a riding stable near my home in Reno, Nevada. I immediately fell in love with these fine animals, and thus began my equine journey.
My first horse was a little sorrel Mustang mare that taught me all the things you should not do with horses. I rode that little horse in the Sierra Nevada mountains, rodeos, parades, and drill teams. There have been many horses in my life since that time, and somehow through multiple moves, marriage, children, career, and life in general the horses have always been a constant.
I purchased my Paint gelding Cats Don’t Dance, better known as Reo, about ten years ago with the thought that Western Dressage might be something I’d like to do. We never got around to the project as I simply enjoyed pleasure riding and caring for both him and my aging Appy. When the old horse passed, I decided to actually try dressage before my body said it was done. Discovering the Century Club gave me a goal and the incentive to complete the project and finish the ride. Reo will be happy to retire, and I will be happy to end my riding years on this very positive note.