Team #846 PJ Rismon and Belleza

Team #846: PJ Rismon and Belleza
From: Kalispell, Montana
Ages: 80 & 20
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test B
As a native Montanan, horses came into my life early on. My first rides were on “Star,” my rancher aunt’s half-draft mare. That mare was a doll and would let me stand on her bareback while she grazed!
I could finally afford riding lessons at age 29 and have been taking lessons and showing ever since.
Belleza (BZ) was my Century Club ride partner. She is a gorgeous 16’2 hand chestnut Azteca mare, whom I LOVE DEARLY!
I bought her 15 years ago when she was five, and it was love at first ride. She is talented, kind, patient, willing, and a bit spicy. She loves to learn and wants to do things correctly. If I am unclear in asking for something, she is annoyed! She is the most complicated horse I’ve worked with, and the one I’ve learned the most from.
I’ve been blessed with tons of help from Linda Snyder, my awesome trainer/coach. She has shown Beezy at times when I was not able to, and they are fabulous together!
I have been planning to ride the Century Club ride for years. A serious respiratory illness limited my rides the month before my big day. My mare can get strong, and I just hoped I had the strength to deal with that. I chose an easy test, hoping I could handle that level of exertion. I could! All the work and worry were so worth it! I feel very fortunate to still be riding my big girl at our age!