Team #848 Maureen Nelson and Hi Yaller Cinnabun

Team #848: Maureen Nelson and Hi Yaller Cinnabun
From: Tecumseh, Michigan
Ages: 70 & 32
Combined Age: 102
Test: Introductory Level Test B
I started riding at the age of 60. I competed in the Morgan Horse Circuit and won a World Championship in Western Dressage Introductory Level Amateur in 2021. Currently, I compete in Classic Dressage Training Level Amateur.
Hi Yaller Cinnabun, "Cinnie." was born the same year as my daughter Danielle, in 1992. She is a very versatile Quarter Horse and has been shown in 4-H, Western Pleasure, Hunt Seat, and Gymkhana. She was also a great lesson and camp horse. Cinnie, at the age of 32, is retired and enjoying her pasture. At the age of 70, I enjoyed having the opportunity to ride Cinnie for our Century Club ride together.