Team #852 Liza Sibley and Utah Beach

Team #852: Liza Sibley and Utah Beach
From: Portland, Oregon
Ages: 72 & 28
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 3
I have been riding horses for as long as I can remember. My memory of the first time I rode is lost, but I remember the first time I cantered on the family farm in Honeoye Falls, New York. I was lucky to grow up in Mendon Ponds Pony Club and received my “A” rating with Millbrook Pony Club. I hunted throughout high school and attended Skidmore College when the American Dressage Institute was there, although I was riding hunt seat. I went on to serve as District Commissioner, Regional Supervisor, and National Examiner for Pony Club.
Over the years, I have had many amazing coaches and wonderful horses. My aunt Jane Auchincloss got me my first pony, Two Bits (after riding her bareback through a flock of geese and determining she was safe). She also bred my Pony Club horse, Fruit Cup. I am embarrassed to admit that I did not know who Bertalan de Nemethy was when I attended clinics he offered for Pony Club in the 60s. I have been honored to have ridden and organized clinics with Charles de Kunffy for many years. I’ve been blessed to ride in eventing clinics with other notable clinicians while training with Marilyn Groene in the ‘90s and early 2000s.
I met my Century Club ride partner, Utah Beah in 2002 at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds Racetrack where I tried him out in an exercise saddle. He raced until he was six when he changed careers from racehorse to dressage horse/eventer/trail horse/fox hunter. For Thoroughbred breeding fans, he is tail-male to Man o’ War which is cool.
Utah and I enjoy the trails and look forward to another year hill topping with Woodbrook Hunt Club and entering a few more dressage shows, clinics, and hunter paces.