Team #856 Carol Goldring and Weekend Affair

Team #856: Carol Goldring and Weekend Affair
From: Annapolis, Maryland
Ages: 76 & 26
Combined Age: 102
Test: Introductory Level Test B
Completing my Century Club ride was a joyous celebration of my life in the horse world! I loved horses as a kid but didn’t start riding until my young daughter decided riding was all she wanted to do! We learned together and competed in the hunter rings for many years. We always shared a horse for our riding until she found a horse just for me. My wonderful old horse Whiskey and I are now both retired hunters. He was quite successful in his jumping career but agrees with me that dressage is a fun, new challenge and is quite willing.
Aged horses, like people, often need special care and I have the best possible support team at our farm who make sure that Whiskey receives all the love and attention that he deserves! Foremost in this group and deserving of my greatest appreciation, thanks and love go to my daughter Beth, for managing Whiskey’s health and enabling my riding through the years with her love, knowledge, support and good humor!
What great fun to do a Century Club ride and reach another goal - we’ll see what’s next!!