Team #724 Linda Brandt and Dobi

Team #724: Linda Brandt and Dobi
From: Plymouth, Michigan
Ages: 71.5 & 28.5
Combined Age: 100
Test: Introductory Level Test A
When Amanda Agemak, the owner of and trainer at Willow Tree Stables, asked me to recommend her to the owner of a horse that she was interested in purchasing, little did I suspect that I would fall in love with the horse, and he would become the first and only horse I’ve ever owned. The horse happened to be Dobi. When I saw him standing in his paddock after he arrived, I felt a connection and said I’d like to ride him. I quickly fell in love with him! So, on my 67.5 birthday, I purchased the horse love of my life – Dobi!
I began riding at age 59.5 at Willowbrooke Farms in Plymouth Township, Michigan. I rode hunter/jumper and dressage there. It was a tremendous experience. I told my husband I just wanted to take a few lessons and canter a bit. Turns out I rode many different horses and was in many dressage schooling shows there. Years ago, I moved to Willow Tree Stables in Romulus, Michigan, and that is my riding home. I love taking dressage lessons from Amanda and riding in schooling shows. As a child, I loved horses and trail riding at various places, but I never imagined that I’d be a disciplined rider and be in shows. I have combined that with the joy of riding Dobi in a very large open field (dubbed by me as “The Field of Whispering Grasses”) which has been a dream come true for my 10-year-old self. I feel like Anne of Green Gables!
Having these new goals in my later adult life adds to my motivation to work hard to stay in shape mentally and physically. Early on I realized that one needs to be present when riding a horse, and both rider and horse need to develop trust. I also cannot say enough about the camaraderie with people at “the barn” as I affectionately call Willow Tree. The friendships and the love of horses will last a lifetime.
Two years ago, in one week, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and Dobi with Cushing’s. Both, ironically, relate to a problem with dopamine! Did we need this connection? We motivate and inspire each other and keep each other healthy through the exercise of mind and body. Riding a horse, including riding dressage, requires both. It is like working out physically and solving a mental problem simultaneously.
I am thankful for all the people who made the Century Club ride so meaningful for Dobi and me, and a huge thank you to The Dressage Foundation. The Century Club ride was in many ways so touching. What a celebration of healthy aging! How many events in life celebrate age? What a joy! Thank you!