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Team #246: Suzanne Hall and Cricket

Suzanne Hall (Age 70) and April’s Cricket (Age 30) rode on June 26th in WDAA Introductory Level Test 1 at the Umpqua Valley Chapter of ODS Summer Solstice Dressage Show for a score of 66.876% and a second place finish in the class at Poco Loco Ranch. This was Cricket’s first attempt at dressage as she is a Quarter Horse who was primarily used for equitation and trail. She was a trouper with all the practices, a show bath and the competition.

Cricket was purchased at age 19 for a first 4-H horse for Suzanne’s grandson, Eston Hughey, who owns Cricket. They earned many ribbons and championships before her navicular disease made regular competition too difficult, so she was retired to providing first rides for other kids just starting out. She is always the first volunteer at the gate whenever horses are caught and just does not want to be left out.  She has also raised babies for prior owners. Suzanne feels it is a privilege to know her.

Suzanne has ridden horses since she was 5-years-old and has owned 14 different animals over the 65 years of horsing around. Cricket is one of the best. Suzanne is a member of Umpqua Valley Chapter of the Oregon Dressage Society, a former member of the Dougette’s Douglas County Sheriff’s Posse, a former student of Nancy Hart, and a former 4-H horse club leader. She retired from her day job as an Information Systems Customer Support Manager for Douglas County and has a tax preparation business.

Suzanne planned to quit horsing around when her daughter, Julie Hughey’s, event horses passed away at ages 34 and 27. Then along came her grandchildren wanting to ride. Her grandson started his horse competition with Cricket and she took care of him. Then his sister Audrey got her first horse ride on Cricket and was addicted. They have graduated to younger animals but still love Cricket, and she returns their affection.

It was an honor for Suzanne to ride Cricket so she could become a member of The Dressage Foundation’s Century Club. Suzanne believes every horse owner should have the opportunity to own a horse with as much heart as Cricket.