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The Dressage Foundation Awards Grants to Dressage Instructors for USDF Instructor/Trainer Program

The Dressage Foundation is pleased to announce two grant recipients from its Maryal and Charlie Barnett Continuing Education for Dressage Instructors Fund.  

Kathryn Kostenbader (IA, Region 4) will receive $1,200 to help cover the costs of attending USDF Instructor/Trainer Program workshops, pre-certification, and/or testing. Kate currently has 15 students who are mostly adult amateurs. She is a USDF bronze medalist and an "L" Program Graduate. Her goal is to keep improving her communication skills and strategies to be the best instructor she can be for her students.

Photo by Susan J Stickle

Kathryn said, “I am over the moon excited about receiving this grant! The Instructor/Trainer Program has been on my professional horizon, and it has come at such an opportune time in my teaching career. I am thrilled to be able to continue my education in correct and classical riding instruction. Please accept my heartfelt thanks and be assured I will take advantage of every facet of the program!”

Lauren Eaton (AK, Region 6) will receive $1,500 to attend USDF Instructor/Trainer Program workshops, pre-certification, and/or testing. Lauren has been teaching for five years and has 17 students that are mostly adult amateurs. She mentioned that there aren't many educational opportunities specifically for instructors in Alaska, so she wants to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Interested instructors can apply for a grant to attend any portion of the Instructor/Trainer Program, including the workshops, pre-certification, and testing.  Barnett Fund grants are awarded twice per year and the next deadline for applications is February 1, 2023.

For more information about the Maryal and Charlie Barnett Continuing Education for Dressage Instructors Fund or The Dressage Foundation, please contact Sara Weiss, TDF’s Director of Grants and Programs, at (402) 434-8585 or visit

The Dressage Foundation  

The Dressage Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt, donor-driven organization that is dedicated to educating, supporting, and advancing the sport of dressage.  The organization solicits contributions, appropriately allocates the donations, and awards grants to dressage riders, judges, instructors, breeders, high performance teams, nonprofit equestrian organizations, and more.  For more information, please visit