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TDF's GMO Representative Program

Who We Are

GMO Rep Program

What is TDF's GMO Rep program?

TDF is looking for people to help spread the word about the wide variety of grants that TDF provides for youth, amateurs, professionals, breeders, and dressage clubs like yours! TDF is looking for a representative from each USDF Group Member Organization (GMO) nationwide. 

How does this program work?

Reps will be our “boots on the ground” support to spread TDF information through flyers, posters, banners, and social media. Each rep will receive a packet of marketing materials to take to their local shows, clinics, and other events.  

Why should you help TDF?

As a donor-supported non-profit, TDF’s mission is to support people and GMOs like yours to grow dressage. The more we work together the deeper impact we can have. Being a part of this program also keeps you updated on grant deadlines and new opportunities.

GMO Reps for TDF receive:
  • TDF branded swag
  • Special monthly e-newsletter for GMO Reps only
  • Meet-Ups and invitations to TDF special events including those only for our GMO reps
  • Recognition on TDF website
  • Inclusion in GMO rep only Facebook group (great for networking!)

GMO Rep Program Partners

Questions About TDF's GMO Rep Program?

Contact Sara at 402-434-8585 or email at